Kubernetes deployment guide

This guide provides a step by step instruction of how to deploy k8s cluster on bare metal or a virtual machine.

K8s node requirements

The recommended deployment target requirements:

  • At least 3 nodes running Ubuntu 16.04
  • At least 8Gb of RAM per node
  • At least 20Gb of disk space on each node.

Configure BM nodes (or the host running VMs) with the commands:

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=0


If you deploy on Ubuntu Trusty BM nodes or host running your VM nodes, make sure you have at least Kernel version 3.19.0-15 installed and modprobe br_netfilter enabled. Lucky you, if your provisioning underlay took care for that! Otherwise you may want to persist that configuration change manually.

Admin node requirements

This is a node where to run the installer. Admin node should be Debian/Ubuntu based with the following packages installed:

  • ansible (2.1.x)
  • python-netaddr
  • sshpass
  • git


You could use one of the k8s node as an admin node. In this case this node should meet both k8s and admin node requirements.

Node access requirements

  • Each node must have a user “vagrant” with a password “vagrant” created or have access via ssh key.
  • Each node must have passwordless sudo for “vagrant” user.

Deploy k8s cluster

Clone fuel-ccp-installer repository:

git clone https://review.openstack.org/openstack/fuel-ccp-installer

Create deployment script:

cat > ./deploy-k8s.sh << EOF
set -ex

export ADMIN_IP=""
export SLAVE_IPS=""
export DEPLOY_METHOD="kargo"
export WORKSPACE="${HOME}/workspace"

mkdir -p $WORKSPACE
cd ./fuel-ccp-installer
bash -x "./utils/jenkins/run_k8s_deploy_test.sh"
  • ADMIN_IP - IP of the node which will run ansible. When the $ADMIN_IP refers to a remote node, like a VM, it should take an IP address. Otherwise, it should take the local value.
  • SLAVE_IPS - IPs of the k8s nodes.


You can also use ./utils/jenkins/deploy_k8s_cluster_example.sh as a starting point.


If you deploy using libvirt with Ubuntu Trusty as a bare metal hypervisor or deploy on AWS, GCE, or OpenStack, , make sure to add export CUSTOM_YAML='ipip: true' to the ./deploy-k8s.sh file.

Run script:

bash ~/deploy-k8s.sh


See Deploy a specific hyperkube image if you want to specify the location and version of the hyperkube image to use.

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