Generating Ansible Inventory ============================ Ansible makes use of an inventory file in order to list hosts, host groups, and specify individual host variables. This file can be in any of three formats: inifile, JSON, or YAML. Fuel CCP Installer only makes use of inifile format. For many users, it is possible to generate Ansible inventory with the help of your bare metal provisioner, such as `Cobbler `_ or `Foreman `_. For further reading, refer to the documentation on `Dynamic Inventory `_. Fuel CCP Installer takes a different approach, due its git-based workflow. You can still use any tool you wish to generate Ansible inventory, but you need to save this inventory file to the path `$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory`. Below you can find a few examples on how generate Ansible inventory that can be used for deployment. Using Kargo's simple inventory generator ------------------------------------------- If you run with a predefined list of nodes, it will generate Ansible inventory for you automatically. Below is an example: :: $ SLAVE_IPS="" utils/jenkins/ This will generate the same inventory as the example `inventory `_ file. Role distribution is as follows: * The first 2 hosts have Kubernetes Master role * The first 3 hosts have ETCD role * All hosts have Kubernetes Node role Using Kargo-cli --------------- You can use `Kargo-cli ` tool to generate Ansible inventory with some more complicated role distribution. Below is an example you can use (indented for visual effect): :: $ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip gcc libssl-dev libffi-dev $ pip install kargo $ kargo --noclone -i inventory.cfg prepare \ --nodes \ node1[ansible_host=,ip=] \ node2[ansible_host=,ip=] \ node3[ansible_host=,ip=] \ --etcds \ node4[ansible_host=,ip=] \ node5[ansible_host=,ip=] \ node6[ansible_host=,ip=] \ --masters \ node7[ansible_host=,ip=] \ node8[ansible_host=,ip=] This allows more granular control over role distribution, but kargo-cli has several dependencies because it several other functions. Manual inventory creation ------------------------- You can simply Generate your inventory by hand by using the example `inventory `_ file and save it as inventory.cfg. Note that all groups are required and you should only define host variables inside the [all] section.