`Packer `_ Templates =========================================== Custom build examples --------------------- Ubuntu build for libvrit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: sh PACKER_LOG=1 \ UBUNTU_MAJOR_VERSION=16.04 \ UBUNTU_MINOR_VERSION=.1 \ UBUNTU_TYPE=server \ ARCH=amd64 \ HEADLESS=true \ packer build -var 'cpus=2' -var 'memory=2048' -only=qemu ubuntu.json Note, in order to preserve manpages, sources and docs to the image, define the ``-var 'cleanup=false'``. Debian build for virtualbox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: sh DEBIAN_MAJOR_VERSION=8 \ DEBIAN_MINOR_VERSION=5 \ ARCH=amd64 \ HEADLESS=true \ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso debian.json Login Credentials ----------------- (root password is "vagrant" or is not set ) - Username: vagrant - Password: vagrant Manual steps ------------ To add a local box into Vagrant, run from the repo root dir: .. code:: sh vagrant box add --name debian \ utils/packer/debian-8.5.0-amd64-libvirt.box vagrant box add --name ubuntu \ utils/packer/ubuntu-16.04.1-server-amd64-libvirt.box To upload a local box into `Atlas `_, run from the `./utils/packer` dir: .. code:: sh VERSION=0.1.0 DEBIAN_MAJOR_VERSION=8 DEBIAN_MINOR_VERSION=5 ARCH=amd64 \ OSTYPE=debian TYPE=libvirt ATLAS_USER=john NAME=foobox ./deploy.sh UBUNTU_MAJOR_VERSION=16.04 UBUNTU_MINOR_VERSION=.1 UBUNTU_TYPE=server \ ARCH=amd64 OSTYPE=ubuntu TYPE=virtualbox ATLAS_USER=doe ./deploy.sh The first command creates a box named ``john/foobox`` which has the version ``0.1.0`` and the libvirt provider. The second one uses the version autoincrement and puts the box as ``john/ubuntu-16.04.1-server-amd64`` and virtualbox provider.