.. _specify-hyperkube-image: ================================= Deploy a specific hyperkube image ================================= By default ``fuel-ccp-installer`` uses an hyperkube image downloaded from the ``quay.io`` images repository. See the variables ``hyperkube_image_repo`` and ``hyperkube_image_tag`` variables in the `kargo_default_common.yaml`_ file. To use a specific version of ``hyperkube`` the ``hyperkube_image_repo`` and ``hyperkube_image_tag`` variables can be set in the ``deploy-k8s.sh`` script. This is done through the ``CUSTOM_YAML`` environment variable. Here is an example: :: #!/bin/bash set -ex # CHANGE ADMIN_IP AND SLAVE_IPS TO MATCH YOUR ENVIRONMENT export ADMIN_IP="" export SLAVE_IPS="" export DEPLOY_METHOD="kargo" export WORKSPACE="${HOME}/workspace" export CUSTOM_YAML='hyperkube_image_repo: "gcr.io/google_containers/hyperkube-amd64" hyperkube_image_tag: "v1.3.7" ' mkdir -p $WORKSPACE cd ./fuel-ccp-installer bash -x "./utils/jenkins/run_k8s_deploy_test.sh" In this example the ``CUSTOM_YAML`` variable includes the definitions of the ``hyperkube_image_repo`` and ``hyperkube_image_tag`` variables, defining what ``hyperkube`` image to use and what repository to get the image from. .. note:: If you use an inventory Git repo please refer :ref:`inventory-and-deployment-data-management` to know how you can set variables for the environment. .. _kargo_default_common.yaml: https://github.com/openstack/fuel-ccp-installer/blob/master/utils/kargo/kargo_default_common.yaml