Inventory and deployment data managementΒΆ

Deployment data and ansible inventory are represented as a git repository, either remote or local. It is cloned and being updated on the admin node’s $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory directory. The $ADMIN_WORKSPACE copies a value of a given $WORKSPACE env var (defaults to the current directory of the admin node). Or it takes a workspace, when the $ADMIN_IP refers to not a local admin node. For example, if it is a VM.

Installer passes that data and inventory to Kargo ansible installer.

Pre-prepared inventory should have the following content in the repo root directory:

  • inventory.cfg - a mandatory inventory file. It must be created manually or generated based on $SLAVE_IPS provided with the helper script.
  • kargo_default_common.yaml - a mandatory vars file, overrides the kargo defaults in the $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/kargo/inventory/group_vars/all.yml) and defaults for roles.
  • kargo_default_ubuntu.yaml - a mandatory vars file for Ubuntu nodes, overrides the common file.
  • custom.yaml - not a mandatory vars file, overrides all vars.

Note, that the custom.yaml overrides all data vars defined elsewhere in Kargo or in defaults files. The data priority precedes as the following: kargo defaults, then common defaults, then ubuntu defaults, then custom YAML.

Final data decisions are done automatically by the installer:

  • If the ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory directory has content, it gets used.
  • If SLAVE_IPS or fuel-devops deploy mode gets used, inventory is overwritten.
  • Copy installer defaults into the inventory directory if they don’t exist.

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